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TU Wien
Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
Mission statement
Research projects
24S Design Studio
Integrative Design Studio Airport City Vienna. Spatial Interventions II. Break Spaces
24S Modules
Stadt und Landschaft. Planungs- und Interventionspraxis
Module Landscape architecture
24S Spacial Planning projects
TikTak Galilei
Climate-oriented Planning – From tipping points to shifts in planning
24S Seminars
City in Climate Change
Focus Spatial Planning - Spatial Transformation in Discourse
Images of nature and wilderness in garden art. The cultural contexts of a current debate.
Spatial Development Planning
24S Lectures
Rudiments of Spacial Planning in Natural Environment
Typologies of Urban and Spatial Structures
24S Lecture with exercise
Art Space Nature
Climate-oriented Planning – Discourse on the (climate) crisis in planning
Constructing a landscape
Discourse on planning practice
Landscape architecture
Open space and development - Neuperlach
Vegitation, architecture and space
23W Design Studios
Animal Spaces & Beastly Places Neuperlach
Design Studio Airport City Vienna
It's about time, Hamburg! Designing green spaces in a process-oriented and climate-adaptive manner
Kickstart Lienz Süd - Open Space in Transition
23W Spatial planning projects
Spatial Development Planning | Urban Region Eferding
Spatial Planning / Urban Planning Design studio
23W Seminars
"Forest and Meadow: Past, Present, and Future of the Viennese 'Protected Area Forest and Meadow Belt' (SWW)"
Introduction to Scientific Writing: Publication
23W Lectures
History of garden art
Landscape and environmental planning
23W Lecture exercises
Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture Design
Integrated Development – A Planning Game on Transformation
Orientation Course and Contemporary Architecture