Build_in' Sicily
In the past winter semester 2024/25, the spatial and social reality of a Sicilian solidarity cooperative was examined as part of the coupled or interdisciplinary (architecture and spatial planning) course Made in Sicily: Le Galline Felici. Topics such as cultural landscape, local production and international marketing, co-production, sustainable tourism and regional development were addressed and worked on by the student teams according to their interests.
The result is seven projects that address the areas of landscape, production, cooperation, solidarity-based action and critical consumption in different ways, complementing or reinterpreting them both geographically and in terms of content.
In the coming summer semester 2025, we will further develop and implement the Trash to Treasure project developed in the winter semester 2024/25. This project comprises the basic planning for a knowledge space of the Il Giardino delle Biodiversità association near the city of Augusta and pursues an upcycling approach. The basic planning will be agreed in plenary sessions and with local stakeholders and adapted if necessary before being implemented on site as part of a construction workshop.