Lectures with Exercises
In the lecture exercises, the conveyed theories and methodologies are applied through practical exercises. Topics related to open space are addressed both theoretically and in terms of planning.
Given the changes in spatial governance and planning, and in the context of complex transformation processes, the course deals with strategies for integrated, sustainable, and resilient spatial development. There is an in-depth examination of the challenges, problems, and solutions of integrated development planning, which draws on a broad range of possible planning instruments.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to critically evaluate strategies, goals, instruments, and projects for integrated, sustainable, and resilient spatial development. They will be able to recognize current challenges in spatial development and planning actions, as well as reflect on various planning approaches that pursue integrated strategies.
ECTS credits: 3
Semester: Winter Semester
The course begins with an intensive workshop where, in the spirit of initial orientation, an overview of the contents of professional practice and study is provided.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students are able to reflect on their suitability for the study based on their artistic, technical, and scientific interests and talents, and to reevaluate their choice of studies.
ECTS credits: 3
Semester: Introductory and Orientation Phase (STEOP)
The course imparts theoretical and design-based fundamental knowledge for the development of sustainable green and open spaces at various scales, as well as for different specialized planning tasks and issues.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students are able to apply the acquired expertise and specific terminology related to open spaces. They gain the basic competence to analyze, evaluate, and typologically categorize open and green spaces and their relationship to the built environment.
ECTS credits: 4
Semester: Summer Semester
The aim of the course is to explore essential aspects of academic writing within a discursive framework. Through the creation of their own editorial contribution, students work on how complex planning processes and content can be communicated in a simple and understandable manner.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students are capable of communicating complex planning processes and content in a simple and understandable way. This also serves as preparation for seminar papers, the master's thesis, and future professional tasks. The acquired skills include publication organization, editorial work, as well as layout and graphic techniques.
ECTS credits: 3
Semester: Winter Semester
Courses offered this semester: